Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2022

Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2022

The annual BCVS Scientific Sessions is one of largest meetings in the world dedicated to fundamental and translation research to improve heart health, a goal that the pandemic has only made more critical. Sponsored by the American Heart Association’s Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Council, the upcoming 2022 in-person conference in Chicago, Illinois, promises to be the best can’t-miss event for basic cardiovascular scientists this year, attracting leading researchers in fields such as microRNAs, cardiac gene and cell therapy, cardiac development and most recently tissue engineering and iPS cells. This makes BCVS the “go to” conference for intra- and interdisciplinary cross-fertilization of ideas and incorporation of new approaches within the cardiovascular scientific community while also playing a pivotal role in training young researchers, women and minority faculty, and cardiovascular fellows.

(Source: BCVS Website)


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