Online: Tumor Models Boston Summit 2020

Online: Tumor Models Boston Summit 2020

In Vivo Efficacy & Toxicity Evaluation Using Various Humanized Mouse Models to Increase Clinical Translation

Time: Saturday, July 15 2020. 9:30 AM EST.

Speaker: Qingcong Lin, CEO of Biocytogen Boston Corp

  • Discuss and evaluate IO target humanized mouse models, including hCD3e models for IO antibody efficacy evaluation
  • How can Cytokine/Cytokine receptor humanized mouse models be used for better antibody translation?
  • B-NDG-B2MKO – Considering the immune deficient mouse models for antibody, CART, NK-CART efficacy evaluation
  • Outlining various disease models & surgical mouse models for gene therapy

Register now!

We continue to monitor the global impacts of COVID-19, and as the world adapts to the new way of living and scientific research, so do we.

With a mission committed to advancing preclinical oncology research, we are excited to transform the PREDiCT: 8th Tumor Models Boston Summit into a fully digital event.

It is our commitment to you to make our 8th annual gathering the most informative and interactive PREDiCT meeting to date, and we look forward to hosting you in July!

As your only dedicated meeting for preclinical and translational scientists looking to improve early stage candidate decision making. Joining us for the 8th year pharma, biotech and academic leaders will gather this July to share their pre-clinical work and how they are harnessing emerging platforms to ensure first-in-human trials. Together, we will actively seek to improve our tumor models, accelerate drug discovery and molecule and refine your strategies to enhance translation and reduce tumor resistance.

Why you won’t want to miss the Summit:

Preclinical & Translational Oncology Leaders will explore how to optimize cost, efficacy and putting patient safety first by using preclinical models to proof and test
For 3 days, 100+ senior level scientists are set to review the challenges and opportunities of preclinical models, in aid of refining your strategies to enter clinical trials with higher success
We’ll explore how classical and emerging models are evolving efficacy determination, biomarker discovery and combination therapies, allowing you to further develop your research and gain the best insight of the industry

Your Virtual Event Experience & Takeaways:

  • Stay current with preclinical oncology model development
    • Hear from your industry peers’ data as well as model developers’ progresses to enhance your translatability especially during COVID-19 shadowing
  • Engage and immerse in a truly interactive virtual meeting
    • Pose your questions to expert speakers and panellists in our live Q&A and roundtables
  • Connect with industry thought leaders and showcase your thought leadership
    • Do not be deterred by social distancing – showcase your unique service and products in our virtual exhibition halls and we will help you with 121 meetings
  • Unparallel content access
    • Imagine never missing a talk – all approved presentations will be distributed to participants post-event for a month, with additional on-demand video recordings for download


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