Basic Information

Strain name
Common name
B-hANGPTL8 mice
Catalog number
Related Gene
ANGPTL8, angiopoietin like 8, C19orf80, PRO1185, PVPA599, RIFL, TD26

Targeting strategy

Gene targeting strategy for B-hANGPTL8 mice. 

The exons 1-4 of mouse Angptl8 gene that encode the full-length protein were replaced by human ANGPTL8 exons 1-4 in B-hANGPTL8 mice.

mRNA expression analysis

Strain specific analysis of  ANGPTL8 gene expression in wild-type mice and B-hANGPTL8 mice by RT-PCR. Mouse Angptl8 mRNA was detectable in the wild-type mice (+/+). Human ANGPTL8 mRNA was detectable only in homozygous B-hANGPTL8 mice but not in wild-type mice.

Protein expression analysis

Strain specific ANGPTL8 expression analysis in homozygous B-hANGPTL8 mice by ELISA.

Plasma was collected from wild-type mice (+/+) and homozygous B-hANGPTL8 mice (H/H), and analyzed by ELISA. ANGPTL8 was both detectable in wild-type mice and B-hANGPTL8 mice (H/H) due to the cross-reactivity of ELISA kit.

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