Basic Information
Gene targeting strategy
Gene targeting strategy for B-hDKK1 mice. The exons 1-4 of mouse Dkk1 gene that encode the full-length protein was replaced by human DKK1 exons 1-4 in B-hDKK1 mice.
mRNA expression analysis
Species-specific DKK1 gene expression analysis in wild-type and humanized B-hDKK1 mice by RT-PCR. Murine Dkk1 mRNA was detected in thymic tissue isolated from wild-type C57BL/6 (+/+) mice, while human DKK1 mRNA was detected in homozygous B-hDKK1 (H/H) mice.
Protein expression analysis
Species-specific DKK1 protein expression analysis in wild-type and humanized B-hDKK1 mice. Serum was collected from wild-type C57BL/6 (+/+) and homozygous B-hDKK1 (H/H) mice and analyzed by ELISA using species-specific anti-DKK1 kits. Murine DKK1 protein was detected in wild-type mice, while human DKK1 protein was detected in wild-type and B-hDKK1 mice, due to the cross-reactive anti-human DKK1 antibody.