Basic Information

Strain name
Common name
B-hFGG mice
Catalog number
NCBI gene ID


  • Fibrinogen is a hexameric plasmatic glycoprotein composed of pairs of three chains (Aα, Bβ, and γ), which play an essential role in hemostasis. Conversion of fibrinogen to insoluble polymer fibrin gives structural stability, strength, and adhesive surfaces for growing blood clots.
  • Equally important, the exposure of its non-substrate thrombin-binding sites after fibrin clot formation promotes antithrombotic properties. Fibrinogen and fibrin have a major role in multiple biological processes in addition to hemostasis and thrombosis, i.e., fibrinolysis (during which the fibrin clot is broken down), matrix physiology (by interacting with factor XIII, plasminogen, vitronectin, and fibronectin), wound healing, inflammation, infection, cell interaction, angiogenesis, tumour growth, and metastasis.

Targeting strategy

Gene targeting strategy for B-hFGG mice. The exons 1-9 of mouse Fgg gene that encode the whole molecule (ATG to STOP codon), including 3’UTR were replaced by human counterparts in B-hFGG mice. The promoter and 5’UTR region of the mouse gene are retained. The human FGG expression is driven by endogenous mouse Fgg promoter, while mouse Fgg gene transcription and translation will be disrupted.

Protein expression analysis

Strain specific FGG expression analysis in wild-type C57BL/6N mice and homozygous humanized B-hFGG mice by ELISA. Plasma was collected from male wild-type C57BL/6N mice (+/+) (n=3, 9-week-old) and homozygous B-hFGG mice (H/H) (n=3, 11-week-old). Expression level of mouse and human FGG were analyzed by ELISA (anti-mouse FGG ELISA kit: Abcam, ab108844; anti-human FGG ELISA kit: Abcam, ab108842). Mouse FGG was detectable in wild-type C57BL/6N mice. Human FGG was detectable in homozygous B-hFGG mice.

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