Basic Information
Targeting strategy
Gene targeting strategy for B-NDG hALB mice. The full-length coding sequence of the human ALB gene was inserted into the mouse Alb gene in B-NDG hALB mice, and the mouse Alb gene was disrupted.
Protein expression analysis
Strain specific ALB expression analysis in homozygous B-NDG hALB mice by ELISA. Serum was collected from B-NDG mice (+/+) and homozygous B-NDG hALB mice (H/H), and analyzed by ELISA with species-specific ALB ELISA kit. Mouse ALB was detectable in B-NDG mice (A) . Human ALB was exclusively detectable in homozygous B-NDG hALB mice but not in B-NDG mice (B). In addition, human plasma was collected and assayed for human ALB expression levels as a reference(C).
Protein expression analysis:
Mouse ALB was detectable in B-NDG mice. Human ALB was exclusively detectable in homozygous B-NDG hALB mice.