Basic Information

Strain name
Common name
B-hSCUBE2 mice
Catalog number
CEGB1, CEGF1, CEGP1, scube/You
NCBI gene ID


  • SCUBE2 belongs to a secreted and membrane-bound SCUBE protein family, which is a tumor suppressor for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, etc., and can also participate in the regulation of tumor angiogenesis.
  • The exons 1-22 of mouse Scube2 gene that encode the whole molecule (ATG to STOP codon), including 3’UTR were replaced by human counterparts in B-hSCUBE2 mice. The promoter and 5’UTR region of the mouse gene are retained. The human SCUBE2 expression is driven by endogenous mouse Scube2 promoter, while mouse Scube2 gene transcription and translation will be disrupted.
  • Mouse Scube2 mRNA was only detectable in wild-type C57BL/6JNifdc mice. Human SCUBE2 mRNA was exclusively detectable in homozygous B-hSCUBE2 mice.
  • Human SCUBE2 protein was detected in the bladder of homozygous B-hSCUBE2 mice.
  • Application: This product is used for safety evaluation of oncology drugs.

Targeting strategy

Gene targeting strategy for B-hSCUBE2 mice. The exons 1-22 of mouse Scube2 gene that encode the whole molecule (ATG to STOP codon), including 3’UTR were replaced by human counterparts in B-hSCUBE2 mice. The promoter and 5’UTR region of the mouse gene are retained. The human SCUBE2 expression is driven by endogenous mouse Scube2 promoter, while mouse Scube2 gene transcription and translation will be disrupted.

Protein expression analysis

Strain specific SCUBE2 expression analysis in homozygous B-hSCUBE2 mice by western blot. Bladder, kidney, heart, lung and testis were collected from wild-type C57BL/6JNifdc mice (+/+) and homozygous B-hSCUBE2 mice (H/H), and analyzed by western blot with anti-SCUBE2 antibody (GeneTex, GTX85173). Human SCUBE2 protein was detectable in the bladder of homozygous B-hSCUBE2 mice.

mRNA expression analysis

Species specific analysis of SCUBE2 gene expression in wild-type C57BL/6JNifdc mice and homozygous humanized B-hSCUBE2 mice by RT-PCR. Bladder was collected from wild-type C57BL/6JNifdc mice (+/+) and homozygous B-hSCUBE2 mice (H/H). Mouse Scube2 mRNA was only detectable in wild-type C57BL/6JNifdc mice. Human SCUBE2 mRNA was exclusively detectable in homozygous B-hSCUBE2 mice but not in wild-type C57BL/6JNifdc mice.

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