Macrophages induce AKT/β-catenin-dependent Lgr5+ stem cell activation and hair follicle regeneration through TNF

Macrophages induce AKT/β-catenin-dependent Lgr5+ stem cell activation and hair follicle regeneration through TNF

Authors: Xusheng Wang, Haiyan Chen, Ruiyun Tian, Yiling Zhang, Marina S Drutskaya, Chengmei Wang, Jianfeng Ge, Zhimeng Fan, Deqiang Kong, Xiaoxiao Wang, Ting Cai, Ying Zhou, Jingwen Wang, Jinmei Wang, Shan Wang, Zhihai Qin, Huanhuan Jia, Yue Wu, Jia Liu, Sergei A Nedospasov, Edward E Tredget, Mei Lin, Jianjun Liu, Yuyang Jiang & Yaojiong Wu

Citation: Wang, X., Chen, H., Tian, R. Macrophages induce AKT/β-catenin-dependent Lgr5+ stem cell activation and hair follicle regeneration through TNF. Nat Commun. (2017). doi: 10.1038/ncomms14091

Used in this study: Gene Editing Services, iDTR-GFP cKI mice

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