Sequential treatment with aT19 cells generates memory CAR-T cells and prolongs the lifespan of Raji-B-NDG mice

Sequential treatment with aT19 cells generates memory CAR-T cells and prolongs the lifespan of Raji-B-NDG mice

Authors: Ruifeng Chen, Meng Wang, Qiang Liu, Jiajing Wu, Weijing Huang, Xuejiao Li, Baohua Du, Qilong Xu, Jingjing Duan, Shunchang Jiao, Hyun Soo Lee, Nam-Chul Jung, Jun-Ho Lee, Yu Wang & Youchun Wang

Citation: Chen, R., Wang, M., Liu, Q. et al. Sequential treatment with aT19 cells generates memory CAR-T cells and prolongs the lifespan of Raji-B-NDG mice. Cancer Lett. (2020).

Used in this study: immunodeficient B-NDG mice

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