Tumor Models Boston 2022

Tumor Models Boston 2022

Meet our expert scientists to learn about our recent advances in preclinical drug evaluation, which includes new humanized animal models, antibody drug development (via RenMice), and in vivo/in vitro preclinical pharmacology studies.

Whether you’re generating custom models or testing novel therapeutic candidates, we’d love to chat with you to find out how we can advance your research program.

Preclinical Evaluation of Novel Combination Therapies Using Multigenic Humanized Models

Date: July 14th, 2022

Time: 4:50 PM (EDT)

Speaker: Jenna Frame, PhD, Sr. Manager, Scientific Communications and Marketing

What we’ll cover:

  • Introduce the use and advantages of humanized syngeneic mouse tumor models for evaluating preclinical efficacy, toxicity, and other mechanisms of action of antibody/biologic combination therapies
  • Outlines the use of cell lines expressing tumor-associated antigens to evaluate dual checkpoint and TAA blockade in humanized immune-checkpoint mice
  • Describe the applicability of human immune system humanized mice, which includes highly immunodeficient (B-NDG) mice and second-generation B-NDG models with humanized cytokines, for evaluating immunotherapies against human tumor cells



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