Three epitope-distinct human antibodies from RenMab mice neutralize SARS-CoV-2 and cooperatively minimize the escape of mutants

Three epitope-distinct human antibodies from RenMab mice neutralize SARS-CoV-2 and cooperatively minimize the escape of mutants

Authors: Jianhui Nie, Jingshu Xie, Shuo Liu, Jiajing Wu, Chuan Liu, Jianhui Li, Yacui Liu, Meiyu Wang, Huizhen Zhao, Yabo Zhang, Jiawei Yao, Lei Chen, Yuelei Shen, Yi Yang, Hong-Wei Wang, Youchun Wang & Weijin Huang

Citation: Nie, J., Xie, J., Liu, S. Three epitope-distinct human antibodies from RenMab mice neutralize SARS-CoV-2 and cooperatively minimize the escape of mutants. Cell Discov. (2021).

Used in this study: RenMab mice

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