Gene Editing Services

Our innovative gene-editing technology increases gene-editing efficiency by 10 to 20 fold,
making our custom model development process faster and more affordable for your research.

What Can Gene Editing Services Offer?

Gene editing services assist researchers in studying the function of genes and to associate them with physiological and pathological phenotypes. Gene editing services are also often used to generate animal models of diseases which can lead to the development of novel therapies. CRISPR/Cas9 based gene editing is employed to create humanized animal models which are widely used for various diseases, drug screening, organ transplantation, diagnostics, and personalized treatments, most notably in the field of oncology.

Why Biocytogen? – Global experts for Gene Editing Services

In the past decade, Biocytogen has grown into a global leader in the field of gene editing services and animal/cell model generation. Our cutting-edge technology platforms enabled our vast collection of humanized mouse models for research and drug screening/evaluation, and offers custom in vitro and in vivo models. We generate approximately 800 in vivo models every year and ship to our customers worldwide. Biocytogen provides outstanding technical support, customer service, products with premier quality, and quick turnaround times. For more information about our gene editing services and animal model generation, contact us or see a message from our experts about our strict Quality Control measures.

Gene Targeted Research/Disease Models from Biocytogen

Biocytogen creates custom gene-targeted mouse, rat, and cell models to meet the needs from academia and industry in both research and discovery. Since our inception in 2009, we’ve completed more than 3,500 projects for clients and developed innovative technologies that increase gene-editing efficiency by 10 to 20 fold with premier quality, making our model development process faster and more achievable for our clients.

Explore our Technology Platforms and Gene-targeting Strategies

Based on specific project goals, our expert scientists will work with you to select the optimal technologies you can employ to produce disease models or advanced humanized models. With varied success rate requirements, experimental time lines, and resource allocations, please consult our team for a specialized experimental design best suited for your needs.

Experienced, Large-Scale Animal Breeding

Breeding is one of the critical steps to generate genetically engineered mouse models, and so any breeding protocols and environments must be scientifically validated, monitored, and maintained for consistency and replicability. A suitable breeding environment is important to have large litter sizes and shorten the timelines to produce mouse models. Biocytogen’s AAALAC accredited SPF animal facilities provide optimal breeding environments. Our experts design the most efficient breeding scheme to save on costs and time for our customers.

Biocytogen’s team of experts employ strict quality controls when offering gene targeting services to generate mouse, rat, and cell line models. Additionally, a dedicated manager will provide monthly updates on the status of your project. Therefore, you can have confidence in the models we deliver to you and focus on downstream applications.

Custom models generated by our gene editing services have been featured in numerous high-impact journals.

Case Studies:

Our CRISPR knockin mouse model was used in the publication “OCA-B/Pou2af1 is sufficient to promote CD4+ T cell memory and prospectively identifies memory precursors” .

Our ESC-HR cKO model was used in the publication “LRRTM3 regulates activity-dependent synchronization of synapse properties in topographically connected hippocampal neural circuits”.

To check out more publications using our Gene Editing Services, click the button below:


Watch the webinar: Genome Engineering in Accelerating Discovery and Preclinical Applications


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