Basic Information
Targeting strategy
Gene targeting strategy for B-NDG hB2M/HLA-A24.2 mice. The B2m gene (Exon1 to Exon3) of mouse was replaced by the sequence encompassing the human B2M CDS and HLA-A24.2 gene in B-NDG hB2M/HLA-A24.2 mice.
Protein expression analysis
B2M and HLA-A expression analysis in homozygous B-NDG hB2M/HLA-A24.2 mice by flow cytometry. Splenocytes were collected from B-NDG mice (+/+) and homozygous B-NDG hB2M/HLA-A24.2 mice (H/H), and analyzed by flow cytometry with strain specific antibodies. Mouse B2M was detectable in B-NDG mice but not in B-NDG hB2M/HLA-A24.2 mice. Human B2M and HLA-A were exclusively detectable in homozygous B-NDG hB2M/HLA-A24.2 mice but not in B-NDG mice.
Protein expression analysis:
Mouse B2M was detectable in B-NDG mice but not in B-NDG hB2M/HLA-A24.2 mice. Human B2M and HLA-A were exclusively detectable in homozygous B-NDG hB2M/HLA-A24.2 mice but not in B-NDG mice.