Basic Information
The expression cassette containing an exogenous promoter and chimeric human CD70 coding region was randomly inserted into the genome of B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 cells.
Targeting Strategy
Gene targeting strategy for B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 cells.
The expression cassette containing an exogenous promoter and chimeric human CD70 coding region was randomly inserted into the genome of B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 cells.
Tumor Growth Curve & Body Weight Changes
Subcutaneous tumor growth of B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 cells. B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 cells (5×105) and wild-type MC38 cells (5×105) were subcutaneously implanted into B-hCD3EDG/hCD70 mice (male, 10-week-old, n=6). Tumor volume and body weight were measured twice a week. (A) Average tumor volume. (B) Body weight. Volume was expressed in mm3 using the formula: V=0.5 X long diameter X short diameter2. Results indicate that B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 cells were able to establish tumors in vivo and can be used for efficacy studies. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM.
Protein Expression Analysis of Tumor Tissue
CD70 expression evaluated on B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 tumor cells by flow cytometry. B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 cells were subcutaneously transplanted into B-hCD3EDG/hCD70 mice (n=6). Upon conclusion of the experiment, tumor cells were harvested and assessed for human CD70 expression by flow cytometry. As shown, human CD70 was highly expressed on the surface of tumor cells. Therefore, B-Tg(hCD70-EGFP) MC38 cells can be used for in vivo efficacy studies evaluating novel CD70 therapeutics.