Basic Information
Gating Strategy for Expression Analysis in Spleen
Protein expression profile in splenocytes
Strain specific ITGA2 expression analysis in homozygous B-hITGA2 mice by flow cytometry. Splenocytes were collected from wild-type C57BL/6 mice (+/+) and homozygous B-hITGA2 mice (H/H), and analyzed by flow cytometry with species-specific anti-ITGA2 antibody. mITGA2 was detectable in monocytes and NK cells of wild-type mice, while hITGA2 was detectable in monocytes and NK cells of homozygous mice.
Gating Strategy for Expression Analysis in Bone Marrow
Protein expression profile in bone marrow
Strain specific ITGA2 expression analysis in homozygous B-hITGA2 mice by flow cytometry. Bone marrow cells were collected from wild-type C57BL/6 mice (+/+) and homozygous B-hITGA2 mice (H/H), and analyzed by flow cytometry with species-specific anti-ITGA2 antibody. mITGA2 was detectable in monocytes and NK cells of wild-type mice, while hITGA2 was detectable in monocytes and NK cells of homozygous mice.
Gating Strategy for Expression Analysis in Platelets
Expression Analysis in Platelets
Strain specific ITGA2 expression analysis in homozygous B-hITGA2 mice by flow cytometry. Platelets were collected from wild-type C57BL/6 mice (+/+) and homozygous B-hITGA2 mice (H/H), and analyzed by flow cytometry with species-specific anti-ITGA2 antibody. mITGA2 was detectable in platelets of wild-type mice, while hITGA2 was detected in platelets of homozygous mice.