Basic Information

Strain name
Common name
B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice
Catalog number
I-19; Cd38-r; ADPRC 1; Cd38-rs1
Validation of the function of Cd38 in the development of tumor disease.


Biocytogen designed a targeted mutation mouse named B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice which Cd38 gene was replaced with the EGFP gene.

So the mice do not express CD38 protein but express EGFP under the regulation sequences of mouse Cd38 gene.

Gene targeting strategy

Gene targeting strategy for B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice. The exons 2~3 of mouse Cd38 gene that encode the extracellular domain were replaced by the EGFP gene encoding green fluorescent protein in B-Cd38-EGFP mice.

Protein expression analysis in B cell

Species-specific mCd38 and EGFP protein expression analyses in homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice by flow cytometry. Spleen, lymph node and blood samples were collected from wild-type mice (+/+) and homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice (-/-), and analyzed by flow cytometry using anti-Cd38 and anti-EGFP antibodies. Mouse Cd38 was detectable in B cells of wild-type mice, but not detectable in B cells of homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice. EGFP was detectable in B cells of homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice.

Protein expression analysis in T cell

Species-specific mCd38 and EGFP protein expression analyses in homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice by flow cytometry. Spleen, lymph node and blood samples were collected from wild-type mice (+/+) and homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice (-/-), and analyzed by flow cytometry using anti-Cd38 and anti-EGFP antibodies. Mouse Cd38 was detectable in T cells of wild-type mice, but not detectable in T cells of homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice. EGFP was detectable in T cells of homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice.


Protein expression analysis:Mouse Cd38 was detectable in T cells, B cells of wild-type mice, but not homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice. EGFP was detectable in T cells, B cells of homozygous B-Cd38-EGFP KI mice.

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